Attention-getting brochures, postcards and press materials with a related design and color scheme reinforced the reputation and credentials of a candidate for City Court Judge in three consecutive winning elections.
Here are some campaign materials for the Re-Election of Glen Cove Supervising City Court Judge The Hon. Richard J. McCord.
Services provided by Studio 9 New York:
• Design and layout of all materials
• Writing copy for all materials and press releases
• Commercial printing of Brochures, postcards, bumper stickers, and lawn signs
11" x 17" Mailer
Folded twice to mail as 8 1/12" x 5 1/2" Opened to 8 1/2" x 11" pages
Studio headshot portrait, family portrait and courthouse image by Peter M. Budraitis Photography
(Noteworthy: "City Court House" engraving added in post-production of the image.
5 1/2" x 10 1/2" Postcard mailer
Portrait by Peter M. Budraitis Photography. Background image - stock photo.
(Noteworthy: "Judge McCord" engraving on gavel created in post-production)
Website (no longer active)
Full page newspaper ad
Ran in local papers
4" x 15" Bumper Sticker
18" x 24" Lawn Sign